Hawaii Concealed Carry Laws & Information

We try to stay as up to date as possible, but always check with local law enforcement to be sure about which states honor your states permit.

The following states have permitless carry. This means that if you can legally possess a firearm in that state you can carry it concealed without a permit/license. You still have to abide by all conceaeled carry laws in that state. Please note that the last three states only allow residents to carry without a permit/license. Alaska, Arizona, Kansas, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire, Vermont, West Virginia, Idaho (Residents Only), North Dakota (Residents Only), Wyoming (Residents Only).

Information compiled from various state government and private sites from around the web.

Reciprocity: How This State Honors Other States Permits & Licenses

Hawaii does not honor any other states Permits/Licenses.

How to Apply for a Hawaii Concealed Carry Permit aka License To Carry

Honolulu Police Department has the following forms that you can download and fill out before going to the Firearms Section Office:

To Apply for a Concealed Carry Permit (Which they have not issued one in years)

  • You must Contact the Chief of Police in the Hawaii County you live in.
  • The Permit/License is valid for 1 year.
  • The Permit/License is only good in the Hawaii County if it is issued in.
  • The Chief of Police can put any stipulations on the Permit/License they wish.
  • The Cost is unknown.

Currently, there are no permits that have been issued in the state of Hawaii.

State Law for Issuing Concealed Carry Permits

§134-9 Licenses to Carry

(a) In an exceptional case, when an applicant shows reason to fear injury to the applicant's person or property, the chief of police of the appropriate county may grant a license to an applicant who is a citizen of the United States of the age of twenty-one years or more or to a duly accredited official representative of a foreign nation of the age of twenty-one years or more to carry a pistol or revolver and ammunition therefor concealed on the person within the county where the license is granted. Where the urgency or the need has been sufficiently indicated, the respective chief of police may grant to an applicant of good moral character who is a citizen of the United States of the age of twenty-one years or more, is engaged in the protection of life and property, and is not prohibited under section 134-7 from the ownership or possession of a firearm, a license to carry a pistol or revolver and ammunition therefor unconcealed on the person within the county where the license is granted. The chief of police of the appropriate county, or the chief's designated representative, shall perform an inquiry on an applicant by using the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, to include a check of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement databases where the applicant is not a citizen of the United States, before any determination to grant a license is made. Unless renewed, the license shall expire one year from the date of issue.

(b) The chief of police of each county shall adopt procedures to require that any person granted a license to carry a concealed weapon on the person shall:

(1) Be qualified to use the firearm in a safe manner;
(2) Appear to be a suitable person to be so licensed;
(3) Not be prohibited under section 134-7 from the ownership or possession of a firearm; and
(4) Not have been adjudged insane or not appear to be mentally deranged.

(c) No person shall carry concealed or unconcealed on the person a pistol or revolver without being licensed to do so under this section or in compliance with sections 134-5(c) or 134-25.

(d) A fee of $10 shall be charged for each license and shall be deposited in the treasury of the county in which the license is granted.

Taking Firearms into Hawaii

§134-3 Registration, Mandatory, Exceptions

(a) Every person arriving in the State who brings or by any other manner causes to be brought into the State a firearm of any description, whether usable or unusable, serviceable or unserviceable, modern or antique, shall register the firearm within three days after arrival of the person or of the firearm, whichever arrives later, with the chief of police of the county of the person's place of business or, if there is no place of business, the person's residence or, if there is neither a place of business nor residence, the person's place of sojourn. A nonresident alien may bring firearms not otherwise prohibited by law into the State for a continuous period not to exceed ninety days; provided that the person meets the registration requirement of this section and the person possesses:

(1) A valid Hawaii hunting license procured under chapter 183D, part II, or a commercial or private shooting preserve permit issued pursuant to section 183D-34;
(2) A written document indicating the person has been invited to the State to shoot on private land; or
(3) Written notification from a firing range or target shooting business indicating that the person will actually engage in target shooting.

Register firearms online at the Honolulu PD Website here.

§134-7.3 Seizure of firearms upon disqualification

(a) If any applicant is denied a permit, the chiefs of police of the respective counties shall send, by certified mail, a notice setting forth the reasons for the denial and may require that the applicant voluntarily surrender all firearms and ammunition to the chief of police where the applicant resides or dispose of all firearms and ammunition. If an applicant fails to voluntarily surrender or dispose of all firearms and ammunition within thirty days from the date notice was mailed, the chief of police may seize all firearms and ammunition.

You need to read all of the Hawaii code on firearms before trying to take firearms into Hawaii. There is a $16.50 Fingerprint charge for first time registers of a firearm. For the meantime, there is no information on any other charges to register a firearm.

The Hawaii Attorney General releases reports every year on the number of firearms registered and the number of permits to carry that are issued. The reports for the years 2000-2016 report that only four permits to carry have been issued to civilians. Reports for every year can be found by going here.

Hawaii Gun Laws can be found in their state statutes 134-1 thru 134-54

How to Obtain A Non-Resident Hawaii Concealed Carry Permit

Non-resident permit can be applied in the same process as Resident.

Places You Can Not Carry Even With a Hawaii Concealed Carry Permit

In Hawaii law, it is not stated that any place was off limits to firearms. Hawaii does have a law on transporting firearms. There are no instances where any license to carry has been issued by Hawaii even though they have issue in their laws.

“No Gun Signs” Have the Force of Law

§708-814 Criminal Trespass in The Second Degree

(1) A person commits the offense of criminal trespass in the second degree if:

(a) The person knowingly enters or remains unlawfully in or upon premises that are enclosed in a manner designed to exclude intruders or are fenced;
(b) The person enters or remains unlawfully in or upon commercial premises after a reasonable warning or request to leave by the owner or lessee of the commercial premises, the owner's or lessee's authorized agent, or a police officer; provided that this paragraph shall not apply to any conduct or activity subject to regulation by the National Labor Relations Act.

This information is put here mainly for LEO’s carrying under LEOSA and for Private Investigators who may have a permit/license to carry while performing their duties in Hawaii.

Open Carry (Without a Valid Permit/License)

Open Carry is Illegal in Hawaii. Only when Hunting with a pistol with the proper license can a pistol be carried and it must be carried openly.

Car/RV Carry Without a Hawaii Concealed Carry Permit

In Hawaii, you cannot carry a loaded firearm in any vehicle without a Permit/License.

§134-26 Carrying or possessing a loaded firearm on a public highway; penalty.

(a) It shall be unlawful for any person on any public highway to carry on the person, or to have in the person's possession, or to carry in a vehicle any firearm loaded with ammunition; provided that this section shall not apply to any person who has in the person's possession or carries a pistol or revolver in accordance with a license issued as provided in section 134-9.

(b) Any vehicle used in the commission of an offense under this section shall be forfeited to the State, subject to the notice and hearing requirements of chapter 712A.

(c) Any person violating this section shall be guilty of a class B felony.

Check  “Places Off Limits” Section for Mandatory Firearms Registration if you take a firearm into Hawaii.

Carry In State Parks//WMA/Road Side Rest Areas & St. /Nat. Forests

Carry Allowed in these Areas:

State Parks: NO      Admin Code O13-146-19
State/National Forests: NO
State WMA’s: NO
Road Side Rest Areas: YES; But not in Buildings

State Preemption

§46-1.5 General Powers and Limitation of the Counties

(13) Each county shall have the power to enact ordinances deemed necessary to protect health, life, and property, and to preserve the order and security of the county and its inhabitants on any subject or matter not inconsistent with, or tending to defeat, the intent of any state statute, provided also that the statute does not disclose an express or implied intent that the statute shall be exclusive or uniform throughout the State.

Laws Regarding Deadly Force

Chapter 703: General Principles of Justification Section

§703-300 Definitions relating to justification

§703-301 Justification a defense; civil remedies unaffected

§703-302 Choice of evils

§703-303 Execution of public duty

§703-304 Use of force in self-protection

§703-305 Use of force for the protection of other persons

§703-306 Use of force for the protection of property

§703-307 Use of force in law enforcement

§703-308 Use of force to prevent suicide or the commission of a crime

§703-309 Use of force by persons with special responsibility for care, discipline, or safety of others

§703-310 Provisions generally applicable to justification

Laws Regarding Chemical Sprays, Stun Guns, and Higher Capacity Magazines

For High Capacity Ammunition Magazines:

§134-8 (c). “The manufacture, possession, sale, barter, trade, gift, transfer, or acquisition of detachable ammunition magazines with a capacity in excess of ten rounds which are designed for or capable of use with a pistol is prohibited." This subsection shall not apply to magazines originally designed to accept more than ten rounds of ammunition which have been modified to accept no more than rounds and which are not capable of being readily restored to a capacity of more than ten rounds.

For Stun Devices/Electric Weapons:

§134-16 Stun devices are illegal in Hawaii.

For Chemical Sprays:

Ordinances of Honolulu

Sec. 41-37.1 Definitions

“Pepper spray” means any aerosol container or other device designed to fit into a handbag or a pants
pocket and has a trigger-guard, flip top or other mechanism to prevent the accidental release of the spray,

(1) is capable of emitting oleoresin capsicum (OC), or any derivative thereof, in a vapor or liquid form;

(2) contains only the chemical substance oleoresin capsicum, or any derivative thereof, without containing chloroacetaphenone (CN) or orthochlorobenzalmalononitrile (CS); and

(3) contains a non- flammable propellant and/or carrier.

Sec. 41-37.3 Restrictions on possession, sale, and use of pepper sprays

(a) It is unlawful for any person to use any pepper spray for any purpose except:

(1) Self-defense;
(2) Defense of another person; or
(3) Protection of property of the person or of another person.

(b) It is unlawful for any person to sell or offer for sale any pepper spray in the city without a license obtained pursuant to Section 41-37.4.

(c) It is unlawful for any person to sell, offer for sale or otherwise furnish any pepper spray to a minor in the city.

(d) It is unlawful for a minor to purchase, possess or use any pepper spray in the city.

(e) It is unlawful to sell or offer for sale any pepper spray on premises where liquor or alcoholic beverages are consumed.

(f) It is unlawful for any person to alter the manufacturer’s name on any pepper spray to be carried or used in the city.

The above listed are from the City/County Ordinances of Honolulu. People are stating that there is a ½ ounce maximum that can be carried. That does not mean there are no restrictions in the other Cities/Counties. You must purchase your Pepper Spray from a Licensed Dealer and receive Instructions on its use. That Dealer would also know the law better than most on this issue.

Airport Carry and Other Misc. Information

Airport Carry: No law found

Training Valid for: No Time Period Set

Time Period to Establish Residency: Citizen of US

Minimum Age for Permit/License: 21 Years Old

Permit/License Info Public Information: NO

State Fire arm Laws: §134-2 thru §134-9

State Deadly Force Laws: §703-300 thru §703-310

State Knife Laws: 134-12.5 & 134-51 thru 134-53

Chemical/Electric Weapons Laws: HS 134-1 & 16 & Honolulu Ordinances 41-37.1 and 41-37.3

Body Armor Laws: Unknown

Does Your Permit Cover Other Weapons Besides Firearms? NO HRS 134-9

Is carrying of a Concealed Firearm with Permit/License for Defensive Purposes Only While Hunting Legal? NO; Only weapons that are authorized for the particular hunt are to be in the hunter's possession, while on the public hunting area. HI Dept of Land and Nat Resources Rules Title 13 Chapter 123-22.

What Does HI Consider A Loaded Firearm?

Vol 3 Part I. General Regulations

§134-1 Definitions

"Firearm loaded with ammunition" and "loaded firearm" means a firearm with ammunition present within the firing chamber, revolving cylinder, or within a magazine which is inserted in a firearm.

State Emergency Powers

§134-7.2 Prohibition Against Seizure of Firearms or Ammunition During Emergency or Disaster; Suspension of Permit or License

(a) Notwithstanding any provision of chapter 127A or any other law to the contrary, no person or government entity shall seize or confiscate, under any emergency or disaster relief powers or functions conferred, or during any emergency period, as defined in section 127A-2, or during any time of national emergency or crisis, as defined in section 134-34, any firearm or ammunition from any individual who is lawfully permitted to carry or possess the firearm or ammunition under part I of this chapter and who carries, possesses, or uses the firearm or ammunition in a lawful manner and in accordance with the criminal laws of this State.

(b) Notwithstanding any provision of chapter 127A or any other law to the contrary, no person or government entity shall suspend, revoke, or limit, under any emergency or disaster relief powers or functions conferred, any lawfully acquired and maintained permit or license obtained under and in accordance with part I of this chapter.

(c) For purposes of this section, "government entity" means any unit of government in this State, including the State and any county or combination of counties, department, agency, institution, board, commission, district, council, bureau, office, governing authority, or other instrumentality of state or county government, or corporation or other establishment owned, operated, or managed by or on behalf of this State or any county. [L 2010, c 96, §1; am L 2014, c 111, §7]

Federal Law can apply if the state is receiving monetary and/or other assistance from the Federal Government. See US Code 42-5207 for Federal Law as it applies to States of Emergencies. The state quoted code may also not be all of the law on Emergency Powers held by the state. You should read the entire code on Emergency Powers etc for this state by following the link to the state code.

Minimum Age for Possessing and Transporting of Handguns

Hawaii: 21 Years Old

§134-2 Hawaii requires all firearms to be registered.

This is the minimum age for possessing and transporting a handgun unloaded and secured in a vehicle without any type of permit/license to carry firearms. Some states (and counties) require Firearms Identification Cards, and/or registration.

In some states Possession and Transportation CAN be very restrictive in that you can ONLY possess and transport a handgun to and from a Shooting Range, Gun Shop, property you own or other places you can legally possess a handgun. Some states do not have this restriction.

Links To Additional Resources Regarding Hawaii Concealed Carry

Honolulu PD CCW Site

2nd Honolulu PD Site

Hawaii CCW Application

Hawaii Permit to Acquire

Honolulu PD FAQs

Hawaii Registration Mandatory

Hawaii State Statutes

Hawaii State Administration Rules

Hawaii St. Code on Firearms

Hawaii State Attorney Genera

Hawaii 2nd CCW Info Site


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