Nebraska Concealed Carry Laws & Information

Nebraska map

We try to stay as up to date as possible, but always check with local law enforcement to be sure about which states honor your states permit.

The following states have permitless carry. This means that if you can legally possess a firearm in that state you can carry it concealed without a permit/license. You still have to abide by all conceaeled carry laws in that state. Please note that the last three states only allow residents to carry without a permit/license. Alaska, Arizona, Kansas, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire, Vermont, West Virginia, Idaho (Residents Only), North Dakota (Residents Only), Wyoming (Residents Only).

Information compiled from various state government and private sites from around the web.

Reciprocity: How This State Honors Other States Permits & Licenses

Nebraska recognises permits from the following states:

Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa*, Hawaii, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota**, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota***, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming, District of Colombia.

*Iowa - Only Honors the IA Non-Professional Permit.
**North Dakota - Only honors the ND Class 1 Permit.
***South Dakota - Only honors the SD Enhanced Permit.

Nebraska Honors Non-Resident Permit/Licenses From the States They Honor. They will not honor any permits/licenses issued to those who are not 21 years of age or older.

69-2448. License or Permit Issued by Other State or District of Columbia; How Treated.

A valid license or permit to carry a concealed handgun issued by any other state or the District of Columbia shall be recognized as valid in this state under the Concealed Handgun Permit Act if:

(1) the holder of the license or permit is not a resident of Nebraska and

(2) the Attorney General has determined that the standards for issuance of such license or permit by such state or the District of Columbia are equal to or greater than the standards imposed by the act. The Attorney General shall maintain and publish a list of such states and the District of Columbia which he or she has determined have standards equal to or greater than the standards imposed by the act.

How to Apply for a Nebraska Concealed Carry Permit

Permit applicants who have successfully passed an approved training course will be required to visit one of the Nebraska State Patrol Troop Area Headquarters or the Criminal Identification Division in Lincoln to apply for a concealed handgun permit. Renewals can be done Online. Applications forms will be available at each Troop Area Headquarters and on the Nebraska State Patrol website. Application forms can also be mailed from the Criminal Identification Office upon request by phoning 402-471-4545. Applicants are advised to obtain the application form in advance if possible because the form must be notarized, and notaries may not always be available at Troop Area Headquarters.

Concealed Carry Handgun Permit Information

Troop A Headquarters

4411 S 108th St

Omaha NE



Troop B Headquarters  

1401 Eisenhower Ave  

Norfolk NE 



Troop C Headquarters  

3431 Old Potash Highway

Grand Island NE



Troop D Headquarters 

300 W South River Rd 

North Platte NE 



Toop E Headquarters 

4500 Avenue I  

Scottsbluff NE  



Criminal Identification Division

3800 NW 12th St.

Lincoln NE  



The Application Process

Applicant fingerprints, photograph and signature: A color photograph required for the permit will be taken by the Nebraska State Patrol. Fingerprints of the applicant will be obtained at the time of application by utilizing the live scan equipment of the Nebraska State Patrol’s Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) if that equipment is available at the application site. If this equipment is not available, the applicant shall be fingerprinted on two legible fingerprint cards.

The applicable fee: The permit fee is $100.00. The fee shall be paid with the application and shall be paid in cash or check made payable to the Nebraska State Patrol. When it becomes feasible, payment may also be made with debit or credit cards approved by the Nebraska State Patrol. If a permit is not issued to the applicant, the permit application fee will be refunded to the applicant less the current charge for the required state and federal criminal history record check.

An application which is not complete or legible will not be processed. A notice of deficiency will be mailed to the applicant who will have twenty (20) calendar days to submit information or documents to correct the deficiency. If the deficiency is not corrected within this time period, the application and monies will be refunded to the applicant who will then have to reinitiate the application process to obtain a permit.

Applicant Must Submit the Following at Time of Application:

  • The completed and notarized application form
  • Proof of training by providing either the original or a certified copy of a certificate of completion of a Handgun Training and Safety Course approved by the Nebraska State Patrol. Requirements for the training and safety course are found in Section 027 of the regulations. Members of the active or reserve armed forces or members of the National Guard may meet this requirement with documentation that they have completed handgun training within the previous three (3) years which meets the minimum safety and training requirements for the Handgun Training and Safety Course approved by the Nebraska State Patrol. An applicant for a permit who is certified as an instructor for the Handgun Training and Safety Course and who has actually taught the course may sign his or her own certificate of completion of training without attending a class taught by another instructor
  • Proof of vision as evidenced on a current Nebraska motor vehicle operator’s license or a current statement by a Nebraska licensed ophthalmologist or optometrist certifying that the applicant has been tested and meets the vision requirements prescribed for a Class “O” operator’s license - the standard for automobiles ( Nebraska Revised Statutes § 60-4,118).
  • Proof of identification may include current Nebraska motor vehicle operator’s license, a Nebraska identification card issued by the Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles, or a current military identification card
  • Proof of citizenship can be a birth certificate showing birth in the United States, a copy of naturalization papers, a Certificate of Citizenship issued by the United States Immigration authorities, or a United States passport. (Oct. 2013 Federal Judge & NE AG agreed due to lawsuit that Legal Resident Aliens can also apply)
  • Proof of address
  • A signature
  • The applicable fee At the time of the application submittal, the applicant will be fingerprinted. The concealed handgun permit will bear permit holder’s photograph and signature. During the initial visit to the Nebraska State Patrol Troop Area Headquarters, a photograph will be taken and signature will be captured for adherence to the permit upon issuance. A Nebraska Permit/License is valid for 5 years.
  • Permit Term is 5 Years

For Online Renewals, you can now Renew/Replace/Update your Permit online.

Renewal (From the Nebraska State Patrol FAQs.)

Q: What if I move to Nebraska with a permit from another state?
A: A valid permit from another state that is recognized by Nebraska for Reciprocity Purposes will allow you to apply immediately and the 180 day Residency Period will be waived. All other application requirements still apply including the application fee, background check, handgun training and safety course and all other applicable documentation. Kindly check here for more information on the application process.

Q: How long is the permit valid?
A: Your permit will be valid for five years and it can be renewed for five years. The form for initial application of a permit can be used to request a renewal. You must appear in person to renew your CCW Permit. Permit holders will not be required to retake a certified training course if their permit is renewed before it expires. Permit holders who allow their permits to expire, will be required to retake a certified training course.

How to Obtain A Non-Resident Nebraska Concealed Carry Permit

Nebraska does not issue Permit/Licenses to Non-Residents. 69-2433 allows those in the military service who have a permanent station in Nebraska and their spouse to apply for a permit to carry in Nebraska and are treated as residents of Nebraska. They would apply the same way a resident does.

Places You Can Not Carry Even With a Nebraska Concealed Carry Permit

69-2441. Permit Holder; Locations; Restrictions; Posting of Prohibition; Consumption of Alcohol; Prohibited


(a) A permit holder may carry a concealed handgun anywhere in Nebraska, Except Any:

  • Police, Sheriff, or Nebraska State Patrol station or office
  • Detention facility, prison, or jail
  • Courtroom or building which contains a courtroom
  • Polling place during a bona fide election\
  • Meeting of the governing body of a county, public school district, municipality, or other political subdivision
  • Meeting of the Legislature or a Committee of the Legislature
  • Financial Institution
  • Professional or semiprofessional athletic event
  • building, grounds, vehicle, or sponsored activity or athletic event of any public, private, denominational, or parochial elementary, vocational, or secondary school, a private postsecondary career school as defined in section 85-1603, a community college, or a public or private college, junior college, or university
  • Place of worship
  • Hospital, emergency room, or trauma center
  • Political rally or fundraiser
  • Establishment having a license issued under the Nebraska Liquor Control Act that derives over one-half of its total income from the sale of alcoholic liquor
  • Place where the possession or carrying of a firearm is prohibited by state or federal law
  • A place or premises where the person, persons, entity, or entities in control of the property or employer in control of the property has prohibited permit holders from carrying concealed handguns into or onto the place or premises
  • Into or onto any other place or premises where handguns are prohibited by state law.

(b) A financial institution may authorize its security personnel to carry concealed handguns in the financial institution while on duty so long as each member of the security personnel, as authorized, is in compliance with the Concealed Handgun Permit Act and possesses a permit to carry a concealed handgun issued pursuant to the act.

(c) A place of worship may authorize its security personnel to carry concealed handguns on its property so long as each member of the security personnel, as authorized, is in compliance with the Concealed Handgun Permit Act and possesses a permit to carry a concealed handgun issued pursuant to the act and written notice is given to the congregation and, if the property is leased, the carrying of concealed handguns on the property does not violate the terms of any real property lease agreement between the place of worship and the lessor.

(2) If a person, persons, entity, or entities in control of the property or an employer in control of the property prohibits a permitholder from carrying a concealed handgun into or onto the place or premises and such place or premises are open to the public, a permitholder does not violate this section unless the person, persons, entity, or entities in control of the property or employer in control of the property has posted conspicuous notice that carrying a concealed handgun is prohibited in or on the place or premises or has made a request, directly or through an authorized representative or management personnel, that the permitholder remove the concealed handgun from the place or premises.

(3) A permitholder carrying a concealed handgun in a vehicle or on his or her person while riding in or on a vehicle into or onto any parking area, which is open to the public, used by any location listed in subdivision (1)(a) of this section, does not violate this section if, prior to exiting the vehicle, the handgun is locked inside the glove box, trunk, or other compartment of the vehicle, a storage box securely attached to the vehicle, or, if the vehicle is a motorcycle, a hardened compartment securely attached to the motorcycle. This subsection does not apply to any parking area used by such location when the carrying of a concealed handgun into or onto such parking area is prohibited by federal law.

(4) An employer may prohibit employees or other persons who are permitholders from carrying concealed handguns in vehicles owned by the employer.

(5) A permitholder shall not carry a concealed handgun while he or she is consuming alcohol or while the permitholder has remaining in his or her blood, urine, or breath any previously consumed alcohol or any controlled substance as defined in section 28-401. A permitholder does not violate this subsection if the controlled substance in his or her blood, urine, or breath was lawfully obtained and was taken in therapeutically prescribed amounts.

28-1204.04 Unlawful Possession of A Firearm at a School; Penalty; Exceptions; Confiscation of Certain Firearms; Disposition

(1) Any person who possesses a firearm in a school, on school grounds, in a school-owned vehicle, or at a school-sponsored activity or athletic event is guilty of the offense of unlawful possession of a firearm at a school. Unlawful possession of a firearm at a school is a Class IV felony. This subsection shall not apply to:

(a) the issuance of firearms to or possession by members of the armed forces of the United States, active or reserve, National Guard of this state, or Reserve Officers Training Corps or peace officers or other duly authorized law enforcement officers when on duty or training,

(b) the possession of firearms by peace officers or other duly authorized law enforcement officers when contracted by a school to provide school security or school event control services,

(c) firearms which may lawfully be possessed by the person receiving instruction, for instruction under the immediate supervision of an adult instructor,

(d) firearms which may lawfully be possessed by a member of a college or university rifle team, within the scope of such person's duties as a member of the team,

(e) firearms which may lawfully be possessed by a person employed by a college or university in this state as part of an agriculture or a natural resources program of such college or university, within the scope of such person's employment,

(f) firearms contained within a private vehicle operated by a nonstudent adult which are not loaded and

(i) are encased or

(ii) are in a locked firearm rack that is on a motor vehicle, or

(g) a handgun carried as a concealed handgun by a valid holder of a permit issued under the Concealed Handgun Permit Act in a vehicle or on his or her person while riding in or on a vehicle into or onto any parking area, which is open to the public and used by a school if, prior to exiting the vehicle, the handgun is locked inside the glove box, trunk, or other compartment of the vehicle, a storage box securely attached to the vehicle, or, if the vehicle is a motorcycle, a hardened compartment securely attached to the motorcycle while the vehicle is in or on such parking area, except as prohibited by federal law. For purposes of this subsection, encased means enclosed in a case that is expressly made for the purpose of containing a firearm and that is completely zipped, snapped, buckled, tied, or otherwise fastened with no part of the firearm exposed.

18-1703 Cities and villages shall not have the power to regulate the ownership, possession, or transportation of a concealed handgun, as such ownership, possession, or transportation is authorized under the Concealed Handgun Permit Act, except as expressly provided by state law, and shall not have the power to require registration of a concealed handgun owned, possessed, or transported by a permit holder under the act. Any existing city or village ordinance, permit, or regulation regulating the ownership, possession, or transportation of a concealed handgun, as such ownership, possession, or transportation is authorized under the act, except as expressly provided under state law, and any existing city or village ordinance, permit, or regulation requiring the registration of a concealed handgun owned, possessed, or transported by a permit holder under the act, is declared to be null and void as against any permit holder possessing a valid permit under the act.

Lincoln, NE
Has an ordinance on carrying a firearm without a permit in a vehicle. 9.36.110 thru 9.36.150

Omaha, NE
Has an ordinance on carrying a firearm without a permit in a vehicle. Sec. 20-191. Through Sec. 20-259

“No Gun Signs” Have the Force of Law


Nebraska Prohibited Sign

(2) (2) If a person, persons, entity, or entities in control of the property or an employer in control of the property prohibits a permitholder from carrying a concealed handgun into or onto the place or premises and such place or premises are open to the public, a permitholder does not violate this section unless the person, persons, entity, or entities in control of the property or employer in control of the property has posted conspicuous notice that carrying a concealed handgun is prohibited in or on the place or premises or has made a request, directly or through an authorized representative or management personnel, that the permitholder remove the concealed handgun from the place or premises.

69-2443. Violations; penalties; revocation of permit.

(1) A permitholder who violates subsection (1) or (2) of section 69-2440 or section 69-2441 or 69-2442 is guilty of a Class III misdemeanor for the first violation and a Class I misdemeanor for any second or subsequent violation.

(2) A permitholder who violates subsection (3) of section 69-2440 is guilty of a Class I misdemeanor.

(3) A permitholder convicted of a violation of section 69-2440 or 69-2442 may also have his or her permit revoked.

(4) A permitholder convicted of a violation of section 69-2441 that occurred on property owned by the state or any political subdivision of the state may also have his or her permit revoked. A permitholder convicted of a violation of section 69-2441 that did not occur on property owned by the state or any political subdivision of the state shall not have his or her permit revoked for a first offense but may have his or her permit revoked for any second or subsequent offense.

Laws Regarding Parking Lot Storage

69-2441. Permitholder; Locations; Restrictions; Posting of Prohibition; Consumption of Alcohol; Prohibited

(1)(a) A permitholder may carry a concealed handgun anywhere in Nebraska, except any: Police, sheriff, or Nebraska State Patrol station or office; detention facility, prison, or jail; courtroom or building which contains a courtroom; polling place during a bona fide election; meeting of the governing body of a county, public school district, municipality, or other political subdivision; meeting of the Legislature or a committee of the Legislature; financial institution; professional or semiprofessional athletic event; building, grounds, vehicle, or sponsored activity or athletic event of any public, private, denominational, or parochial elementary, vocational, or secondary school, a private postsecondary career school as defined in section 85-1603, a community college, or a public or private college, junior college, or university; place of worship; hospital, emergency room, or trauma center; political rally or fundraiser; establishment having a license issued under the Nebraska Liquor Control Act that derives over one-half of its total income from the sale of alcoholic liquor; place where the possession or carrying of a firearm is prohibited by state or federal law; a place or premises where the person, persons, entity, or entities in control of the property or employer in control of the property has prohibited permitholders from carrying concealed handguns into or onto the place or premises; or into or onto any other place or premises where handguns are prohibited by state law.

(3) A permitholder carrying a concealed handgun in a vehicle or on his or her person while riding in or on a vehicle into or onto any parking area, which is open to the public, used by any location listed in subdivision (1)(a) of this section, does not violate this section if, prior to exiting the vehicle, the handgun is locked inside the glove box, trunk, or other compartment of the vehicle, a storage box securely attached to the vehicle, or, if the vehicle is a motorcycle, a hardened compartment securely attached to the motorcycle. This subsection does not apply to any parking area used by such location when the carrying of a concealed handgun into or onto such parking area is prohibited by federal law.

(4) An employer may prohibit employees or other persons who are permitholders from carrying concealed handguns in vehicles owned by the employer.

Must Inform Officer Immediately on Contact By Law

69-2440. Permitholder; Duties; Contact With Peace Officer or Emergency Services Personnel; Procedures For Securing Handgun

(1) A permitholder shall carry his or her permit to carry a concealed handgun and his or her Nebraska driver's license, Nebraska-issued state identification card, or military identification card any time he or she carries a concealed handgun. The permitholder shall display both the permit to carry a concealed handgun and his or her Nebraska motor vehicle operator's license, Nebraska-issued state identification card, or military identification card when asked to do so by a peace officer or by emergency services personnel.

(2) Whenever a permitholder who is carrying a concealed handgun is contacted by a peace officer or by emergency services personnel, the permitholder shall immediately inform he peace officer or emergency services personnel that the permitholder is carrying a concealed handgun.


(a) During contact with a permitholder, a peace officer or emergency services personnel may secure the handgun or direct that it be secured during the duration of the contact if the peace officer or emergency services personnel determines that it is necessary for the safety of any person present, including the peace officer or emergency services personnel. The permitholder shall submit to the order to secure the handgun.


(i) When the peace officer has determined that the permitholder is not a threat to the safety of any person present, including the peace officer, and the permitholder has not committed any other violation that would result in his or her arrest or the suspension or revocation of his or her permit, the peace officer shall return the handgun to the permitholder before releasing the permitholder from the scene and breaking contact.

(ii) When emergency services personnel have determined that the permitholder is not a threat to the safety of any person present, including emergency services personnel, and if the permitholder is physically and mentally capable of possessing the handgun, the emergency services personnel shall return the handgun to the permitholder before releasing the permitholder from the scene and breaking contact. If the permitholder is transported for treatment to another location, the handgun shall be turned over to any peace officer. The peace officer shall provide a receipt which includes the make, model, caliber, and serial number of the handgun.

(4) For purposes of this section, contact with a peace officer means any time a peace officer personally stops, detains, questions, or addresses a permitholder for an official purpose or in the course of his or her official duties, and contact with emergency services personnel means any time emergency services personnel provide treatment to a permitholder in the course of their official duties.

Carry In State Parks//WMA/Road Side Rest Areas & St. /Nat. Forests

Carry is Allowed in these Areas:

State Parks: YES; If not Posted NE St. Park Rules on Firearms
State/National Forests: YES
State WMA’s: YES; Admin Code Game & Parks Commission 163-4-018.06B If Not Posted
Road Side Rest Areas: YES; If Not Posted

Car/RV Carry Without a Nebraska Concealed Carry Permit

The Nebraska Law is silent on loaded firearms in vehicles. You do have to have a permit/license valid in NE to carry a concealed firearm in or outside a vehicle. It is illegal to carry a loaded Shotgun in a vehicle under NE Game Laws. You can carry a loaded handgun in a vehicle without a permit/license if it is visible. Some cities have ordinances against loaded visible handguns in vehicles W/O a permit. See Note.

Lincoln, NE
Has an ordinance on carrying a firearm without a permit in a vehicle. 9.36.110 thru 9.36.150

Omaha, NE
Has an ordinance on carrying a firearm without a permit in a vehicle. Sec. 20-191. Through Sec. 20-259

37-522. Shotgun on Highway; Restrictions; Violation; Penalty

It shall be unlawful to have or carry, except as permitted by law, any shotgun having shells in either the chamber, receiver, or magazine in or on any vehicle on any highway. Any person violating this section shall be guilty of a Class III misdemeanor and shall be fined at least fifty dollars.
Nebraska Preemption does give NE Cities the right to regulate the carrying of concealed weapons without a valid permit/license.

17-556 Public Safety; Firearms; Explosives; Riots; Regulation

Second-class cities and villages shall have power to prevent and restrain riots, routs, noises, disturbances or disorderly assemblages; to regulate, prevent, restrain or remove nuisances in residential parts of municipalities and to designate what shall be considered a nuisance; to regulate, punish, and prevent the discharge of firearms, rockets, powder, fireworks or any other dangerous combustible material in the streets, lots, grounds, alleys or about or in the vicinity of any buildings; to regulate, prevent and punish the carrying of concealed weapons; except the carrying of a concealed handgun in compliance with the Concealed Handgun Permit Act, and to arrest, regulate, punish, fine or set at work on the streets, or elsewhere, all vagrants and persons found without means of support or some legitimate business.

Carrying Concealed weapons is an offence and the law reads:

28-1202. Carrying Concealed Weapon; Penalty; Affirmative Defense


(a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, any person who carries a weapon or weapons concealed on or about his or her person, such as a handgun, a knife, brass or iron knuckles, or any other deadly weapon, commits the offense of carrying a concealed weapon.

(b) It is an affirmative defense that the defendant was engaged in any lawful business, calling, or employment at the time he or she was carrying any weapon or weapons and the circumstances in which such person was placed at the time were such as to justify a prudent person in carrying the weapon or weapons for the defense of his or her person, property, or family.

(2) This section does not apply to a person who is the holder of a valid permit issued under the Concealed Handgun Permit Act if the concealed weapon the defendant is carrying is a handgun.

(3) Carrying a concealed weapon is a Class I misdemeanor.

(4) In the case of a second or subsequent conviction under this section, carrying a concealed weapon is a Class IV felony.

There is one law that mentions a firearm found inside a vehicle.

28-1212. Presence of Firearm in Motor Vehicle; Prima Facie Evidence

The presence in a motor vehicle other than a public vehicle of any firearm or instrument referred to in section 28-1203, 28-1206, 28-1207, or 28-1212.03 shall be prima facie evidence that it is in the possession of and is carried by all persons occupying such motor vehicle at the time such firearm or instrument is found, except that this section shall not be applicable if such firearm or instrument is found upon the person of one of the occupants therein.

The thing is Sections 1203, 1206, 1207 & 1212.03 define firearms that are Machine Guns, Stolen, Defaced or in possession of a felon. So if the occupants of the vehicle can legally possess a firearm and the firearm is legal it doesn’t fall under this law.

Under Nebraska Concealed Permit Act they have the following Definitions and Other Laws still apply law.

69-2429. Terms, Defined.

For purposes of the Concealed Handgun Permit Act:

(1) Concealed handgun means the handgun is totally hidden from view. If any part of the handgun is capable of being seen, it is not a concealed handgun;

(3) Handgun means any firearm with a barrel less than sixteen inches in length or any firearm designed to be held and fired by the use of a single hand.

69-2445. Carrying Concealed Weapon Under Other Law; Act; How Construed

Nothing in the Concealed Handgun Permit Act prevents a person from carrying a concealed weapon as permitted under section 28-1202.
Note: If you look back you will see that 28-1202 is an affirmative defense for carrying a concealed firearm.

Check and read 28-1202 (b) wherein it stated that, the state only has laws concerning concealed firearms in vehicles.

Open Carry (Without a Valid Permit/License)

Open Carry is legal but state preemption allows local governments to regulate the open carrying of firearms. Nebraska preemption only covers the carrying of “Concealed firearms.” (17-556) Places as listed in the “Places Off Limits” above apply to those who open carry. See the “RV/Car Carry Without a Permit” section for carrying in a vehicle.

The state preempts firearm laws (17-556) state that local authorities can’t have Laws/Ordinances against concealed carry and other areas concerning firearms but can pass laws/ordinances coving the carrying of firearms openly. It would be up to the person who wishes to open carry to know the local laws/ordinances that would impact them. Remember that if you enter any property and the owner/responsible person ask you to leave you must leave. Failure to leave can result in Trespass Charges. Minimum age for Open Carry is 18.

Open Carry could be forbidden in places where those with a valid permit/license can carry, please continue reading for more.

State Preemption

17-556 Public Safety; Firearms; Explosives; Riots; Regulation

Second-class cities and villages shall have power to prevent and restrain riots, routs, noises, disturbances or disorderly assemblages; to regulate, prevent, restrain or remove nuisances in residential parts of municipalities and to designate what shall be considered a nuisance; to regulate, punish, and prevent the discharge of firearms, rockets, powder, fireworks or any other dangerous combustible material in the streets, lots, grounds, alleys or about or in the vicinity of any buildings; to regulate, prevent and punish the carrying of concealed weapons; except the carrying of a concealed handgun in compliance with the Concealed Handgun Permit Act, and to arrest, regulate, punish, fine or set at work on the streets, or elsewhere, all vagrants and persons found without means of support or some legitimate business.

Laws Regarding Deadly Force

Nebraska Code

28-1406 Terms, defined.
28-1407 Justification; choice of evils.
28-1408 Public duty; execution.
28-1409 Use of force in self-protection.
28-1410 Use of force for protection of other persons.
28-1411 Use of force for protection of property.
28-1412 Use of force in law enforcement.
28-1413 Use of force by person with special responsibility for care, discipline, or safety of others.
28-1414 Mistake of law; reckless or negligent use of force.
28-1415 Justification in property crimes.
28-1416 Justification an affirmative defense; civil remedies unaffected.

May Carry in Restaurants that serve Alcohol

In Nebraska, carry in restaurant that serve Alcohol is allowed according to 69-2441.

Laws Regarding Chemical Sprays, Stun Guns, and Higher Capacity Magazines

As of the moment, there are no restrictions in Nebraska Law concerning Chemical Sprays, Stun Guns Or Higher Capacity Magazine Bans.

Airport Carry and Other Misc. Information

Airport Carry: No laws found

Training Valid for: 3 Years

Time Period to Establish Residency: 180 Days (If you have a Permit/License from the state you are moving from that is honored by NE the Residency, Requirement is waved)

Minimum Age for Permit/License: 21 Years Old

Permit/License Info Public Information: NO

State Reciprocity/How They Honor Other States Statute: 69-2448

State Fire arm Laws: 28-1201 - 1212 & 69-2427-2445

State Deadly Force Laws: 28-1406 - 28-1416

State Knife Laws: 28-1201(4)

Chemical/Electric Weapons Laws: No laws found

Body Armor Laws: No laws found

Does Your Permit Cover Other Weapons Besides Firearms? NO; Admin Rule 272.001.01

Is carrying of a Concealed Firearm with Permit/License for Defensive Purposes Only While Hunting Legal? YES; Except when Bow Hunting. NE Big Game Guide

What Does Nebraska Consider A Loaded Firearm?

Nebraska law does not define loaded or unloaded firearm.

State Emergency Powers

81-829.40. Governor; Powers and Duties

(1) The Governor shall be responsible for meeting the dangers to the state and people presented by disasters, emergencies, and civil defense emergencies, and in the event of disaster, emergency, or civil defense emergency beyond local control, he or she may assume direct operational control over all or any part of the emergency management functions within this state. He or she shall have general direction and control of emergency management and the Nebraska Emergency Management Agency and shall be responsible for carrying out the provisions of the Emergency Management Act.

(2) In order to effect the policy and purposes of the act, the Governor may issue proclamations and make, amend, and rescind the necessary orders, rules, and regulations to carry out the act.

(5) During the continuance of any state of emergency the Governor shall be commander in chief of the organized and unorganized militia and of all other forces available for emergency management duty. To the greatest extent practicable, the Governor shall delegate or assign command authority by prior arrangement embodied in appropriate proclamations, orders, rules, and regulations, but nothing shall restrict his or her authority to do so by orders issued at the time of the disaster, emergency, or civil defense emergency.

(6) In addition to any other powers conferred upon the Governor by law, he or she may:

(a) Suspend the provisions of any regulatory statute prescribing the procedures for conduct of state business or the orders, rules, or regulations of any state agency if strict compliance with the provisions of any statute, order, rule, or regulation would in any way prevent, hinder, or delay necessary action in coping with the disaster, emergency, or civil defense emergency;

(d) Subject to any applicable requirements for compensation under section 81-829.57, commandeer or utilize any private property if he or she finds this necessary to cope with the disaster, emergency, or civil defense emergency;

(e) Direct and compel the evacuation of all or part of the population from any stricken or threatened area within the state if he or she deems this action necessary for the preservation of life or other emergency management;

(f) Prescribe routes, modes of transportation, and destinations in connection with evacuation;

(g) Control ingress and egress to and from a disaster area, the movement of persons within the area, and the occupancy of premises in the area;

(h) Suspend or limit the sale, dispensing, or transportation of alcoholic beverages, explosives, and combustibles; and

(i) Make provisions for the availability and use of temporary emergency housing.

(7) In the event of a civil defense emergency the Governor shall assume direct operational control over all or any part of the emergency management functions within this state.

The Federal Law can apply if the state is receiving monetary and/or other assistance from the Federal Government. See US Code 42-5207 for Federal Law as it applies to States of Emergencies. The state quoted code may also not be all of the law on Emergency Powers held by the state. You should read the entire code on Emergency Powers etc for this state by following the link to the state code.

Minimum Age for Possessing and Transporting of Handguns

Nebraska: 18 Years Old

28-1204 This is the minimum age for possessing and transporting a handgun unloaded and secured in a vehicle without any type of permit/license to carry firearms.

In some states, Possession and Transportation can be very restrictive in that you can only possess and transport a handgun to and from a Shooting Range, Gun Shop, property you own or other places you can legally possess a handgun. Some states do not have this restriction.

Links To Additional Resources Regarding Nebraska Concealed Carry

Nebraska State CCW Site

Nebraska CCW Application

How to Apply/Renew in Nebraska

Nebraska Online Renewal

Nebraska State FAQ Site

Nebraska St. Certified Instructors

Nebraska State Statutes

Nebraska State Administration Rules

Nebraska CHP Administration Rules

Nebraska State Reciprocity Information

Nebraska State Attorney General

Nebraska Secretary of State


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